Believing in God’s Word and Spirit

In 1906, when under the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, a small band of Christian believers exercising their rights to freedom of religion needed a place to worship God. After going from house to house in the East Tarboro Community, their needs were met when Brothers Henry Hart, Willie Reeves, and Alfred Woods bargained to purchase a lot from George and Harriet Holderness of the Panola Land Company located on the corner of Church and Wagner Streets in Tarboro, NC.

The land was paid for and deeded January 13, 1913. It was filed for registration in April 1913 and in the same year, the deed was conveyed to George and Lizzie Howard. On December 23, 1919, the land was deeded back to Trustees James Stancil, Alfred Woods and Marcellous Roberts and the Deed of Trust was burned. The church title was registered April 28, 1925.

Old Eastern Star Missionary Baptist Church
Old Eastern Star Missionary Baptist Church
Current Eastern Star Missionary Baptist Church
The Eastern Star Missionary Baptist Church name holds true today. The building as formerly the Howard Memorial Presbyterian Church, purchased and moved to its present location in 1906. The Charter members were the Rev. J. H. Ramsey, the first pastor, Deacon Alfred Woods, Deacon Henry Hart, Deacon Redmond Joyner, Deacon David Key, Brother Willie Reeves, Sister Caroline Pittman, Sister Victoria Sledge, Sister Lizzie Hart, Sister Annie Joyner, Sister Charlotte McNair, Sister Eliza Lewis, and Sister Hattie Reeves. Descendants of these Charter members still call Eastern Star Missionary Baptist Church home.


Believing in God’s Word and Spirit

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